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Thursday, July 6, 2023


 Our fascists, and their fellow-travelers who hide it progressively less (if at all) are making it clearer each and every day: their outlook and their foolosophy is based on lies. Little else, almost nothing more.
We see this more and more in cases that come before the courts without real plaintiffs, injunctions seeking to keep lies on social media platforms, armies of online thugs intent on squelching any real discussions of any kind of baked-in inequality, be it racial, religious or class-based and a Taney Court that is intent on locking in the rule of white males who are also obscenely wealthy at the expense of all the rest of us!
And one thing I see us in serious need of is new laws! Specifically, either omnibus or as a set of more specific laws which will do the following.
First, make sure that all parties to any legal action are actual individuals or organizations.
Second, that parties to legal actions can claim some real and present injury. None of this bullpuckey (thank you, Rachel!) about possible or anticipated injury! To put what I think of that politely, copulate that!
Third, that posters on social media can be yanked for posting crudely offensive threats. I would want to exempt counter-threats to such postings, which might be possible if the counter-threats are phrased to say, 'Come at me, sucka, and no one will find your remains' or any variant thereof. Lawyers and judges are not stupid; they can get at the basic meaning of phrases. We will need laws which might sanction for rapid-fire rhetorical questions which are intended just to stifle discussion, as shown that answers are given no space except by shouting the verbal thugs down.
And in these matters, I'll leave the details to the worthy ladies and gentlemen of the law; we have lots of real and hopeful (not to mention wannabes) legal eagles in this land.
Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, we need to do a lot of discouraging of bullies and legal thuggery coupled with teaching all of us, beginning with all our children, how to recognize and defend ourselves against such thuggery. The Sermon on the Mount, properly explained, includes some instances of such nonviolent resistance which might also be termed moral jujitsu: using the adversary's weight and motion to throw him or her.
We also need one or more truth-in-reporting laws which, with luck, might put certain 'news' networks out of business. And most of us know which ones, am I right?
If anyone has other suggested remedies for these problems which might be at least as good as what I suggest here, let them come forward now and share their ideas with the rest of us.
This is something of a new legal frontier, sure, but can any one of us deny that such laws are very sorely needed? If anyone thinks so, let them stand forth and put their case. For real, I mean; no hypotheticals or fictional plaintiffs allowed!

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