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Saturday, October 29, 2022


 As I ate my breakfast this morning, I meditated on how our fascisti and their supporters voted as compared to us libs and progs and so forth. They all goose-step together to the polls whereas getting enough of the American majority that we really are seems to make herding cats look relatively easy.
So I started to wonder, why is that? Why does politics not swallow more of us up like it does our 'fellow' palefaces and their shills of color (I'm looking right at you, Distort D'Newza) on the right, just past John Fogerty's bathroom?
And then I thought a little more. What is a YUGE part of the takings of most of those obscenely rich and satanically greedy billionaires who buy political slaves, fund propaganda outlets like the Cato and Claremont Insititutes, endless lobbyists (including the gnomes at ALEC) and are largely responsible for democracy's decaying this far?
I'll tell you: government contracts, many of which are no-bid. That means, our tax dollars are supporting billionaires who live in such a way as to make Nero and Louis XIV, to name two despots, look like peasants in their own eyes!
Yes, liberal and, most of all, non-partisan organizations, get government bucks too. But the difference between liberal and non-partisan organizations on the one hand and right-wing corporations on the other is, the first two seek to benefit every one of us with their endeavors. The last, or at least the pale males that run them, are primarily, when not exclusively, interested only in fattening their pockets and, maybe, their wives' purses.
And another thing: none of us beg the government to buttress any beliefs we have without external empirical proof. We rightly understand that to be our own business, and only that. And our neighbor's beliefs are only her business as well. Etc. A large part of what our fascisti do is either beg or threaten government (be it  local, state or federal) to defend their worn-out unspoken points of 'faith', such as racism.
With these things in mind, it makes all too much sense that they believe that they, and only they, should rule. They're not interested in sharing anything. Now, I know that most of us are, on the contrary, geared to share with others. But this is where we need to steel ourselves and , first, vote as many of them out as we possibly can and, second, when they bring out their AR-15s and hundred-round clips of ammo, be ready to fire hot lead back at them!
Let them have what they need to pursue their non-government-connected endeavors (to whatever extent they have them) but get them OUT of government at any and all levels!!! Don't let them anywhere near anything to do with public education, for one thing! If they don't like what's taught there, let them go organize a Private Academy, often a guise for continuing Jim Crow anyway!
As I have stated before, I'd even be willing to kick in so they can have some decent bars with decent booze and even pianos on which they can mangle sad songs as they drink and weep for the only ones for whom they ever shed tears: themselves. That's another difference between us and them: when we weep, it's for things larger than ourselves--our planet, our country, our civilization, etc.--or for others who are afflicted. Very rarely do libs, progs, etc., weep for themselves. Many would  think scorn to do so.
On the other hand, the enemies of democracy weep for themselves alone and cannot comprehend anyone weeping for anything else. They are truly children of darkness as described in John 1:5. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." Isn't that our right wing, fascist and fellow-travellers, or what?
Ten days now till Election Day. If you can, vote early, but vote--and, if you believe in democracy, vote Democratic on all levels. Let there be no officeholder with (R) after their names still in office on Wednesday!

Friday, October 21, 2022


 Elections have consequences, as we all say these days.
And if Democrats don't hold both houses of Congress and win some state legislatures, expect the results to be disastrous.
I was appalled to see that more voters actually believe 'Republicans' are better for the economy than Democrats. I want to ask these voters: Why do you think this? How could you think this? Especially when each incoming Democratic administration has had to clean up the mess left by the Greedy Oligarchs' Party? Or is that why you think the way you do?
Do you really believe the GOP makes it easier for people like you to make more money and be able to put a bit by, as our cousins would say? Which reminds me: take a l-o-n-g look across the Pond, see what Truss's Tories tried to do. It was so bad for the economy that even the City gnomes nixed it--and it's almost exactly what Kevin McCarthy the jellyfish promises to enact!
God, please let our cousins be coming back to their senses!
In any case, if you do think that, that means the GOP has gaslighted you to a degree nothing short of astounding. Of course, they were helped by your readiness to believe that the 'n***ers' and 's**cs' were just itching to take your plasma screens and other status symbols from you when it's they who want to take much more important things from you--yes, from y'all as well as from the you-know-whos! They mean to take the following from you, me and all of us just holding on:
Our Social Security. Our Medicare. Our Medicaid. Our Veterans' Benefits. Veterans' Benefits, for God's sake!! They must share Trumpelthinskin's opinion of our honored dead: "Such suckers!" Remember hearing Orange Julius Sawdust Caesar say that?
And as they prepare to steal from us, they distract you with LIES about how kindergarteners learn to read with Show Me! and how CRT is going to make you and your kids feel personally responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings and all the rest of our history's dark side! Or whatever related lies they use, ad nauseam!
Do any of you know, CRT is only in graduate schools? As an elective?!
They want their political masters to own everything--including, eventually, all of us. Not just the ones with darker skins but all of us. Never mind streets safe from 'n***ers', etc., but rather think about having safer streets, classrooms, supermarkets and so forth from unhinged white male incels who find it easier to get an AR-15 then to get a date! Think about having the law really treat everyone equally so that Trumpelthinskin and cohorts might now wear the orange jumpsuits we know they deserve!
If the GOP is hinting that you, too, can aspire to be above the law if you go stomp on 'n***ers', 's**cs' and maybe 'k**es' as well, be warned: that will last only as long as it suits the new class of feudal barons for whom they really work! And how long that might be, to quote the Bard, who knows save Heaven?
If the GOP wins anything next month, it will probably be the end of our democracy. In time, you, or your sons and grandsons, will see yourselves reduced to serfdom--including seeing the young and arrogant lordlings rape your wives and daughters before your faces! Imagine watching that while all you can do is cringe like a poor beaten dog!! But, then, remember: we can still give them the drubbing they grievously need. It's still up to us; use this chance well for your own sake and that of your granddaughters!!
Harry Truman once said, and I think he was so right, "If you want to live like a Republican, vote for Democrats." True when he said it, and even more so now.
See, when Democrats 'make it', they reach a hand back to help others. When 'Republicans' make it, they either pull up the ladders as they go or otherwise render them inaccessible and/or needing repair. Inwardly digest and remember what I write here as you vote. Vote Democratic; let not a single candidate with (R) after their names be either elected or re-elected. That's what's necessary for keeping our democracy alive and well this November!