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Thursday, February 3, 2022


 In my last post, I wrote that we liberals and progressives, so far from being un-American, are in fact the very soul (no pun meant) of America. We are the pioneers trying to build something that, so far as is knows, has not yet existed in human history: a multiracial, multi-ethnic, multi-faith (including none) democratic republic. We also stand on the verge of a further extension of democracy; the giving of a voice to Creation itself.
We always should beware of saying our enemies are also God's enemies, but if God is urging us towards His holy realm as Isaiah describes it, can it be otherwise? They want all--repeat, all--the economic and political power in their hands alone and wish to stifle, or at least neutralize in Viktor Orban's soft-fascist style, any and all differing voices. Which feels more like God's Will to you: all of Creation having many various yet harmonious voices or the only voice that of the most ruthless and heartless among us? Which is more Christ-like? If we're not sure of the answer, I'd say some serious prayer and study (hermeneutics mandatory here!) is seriously required!
I think a word is in order about Orban's style, and what its possible transplanting here will likely require of us. 'Soft-fascist' means that our side is, through co-opting of the media, the judiciary and the counting (and, more often, the discounting) of certain votes means that we are put in a permanent 'loser' position. The whites, most Asians and palefaced Hispanics among us will be largely left in physical peace. The fascists will say, 'Nyah! Nyah!' which is what those wicked fools live for anyway! 'Enjoy your families and private lives; we don't need to bother you anyway! NYAAAAH! NYAAAAH!'
This is where we may have to make bothers of ourselves. When 'racial purification' begins, we dare not hide in our homes. We will have to put our bodies between the fascists and their intended victims and say, "No, you'll have to knock us down to get at our friends and our equally American brethren here." And to keep on doing this as long as we can. Are we ready for this? Some of us are but most of us need to learn the whens and hows at least.
I can't blame anyone who wants to leave this country and move somewhere else where people and other living creatures are treated more humanely and not so much like hostile alien things. But the war will be fought mostly here and it must be won here. The choice is between us who represent the truest and best spirit of this country and the Western world at large and those who would make a bitter, obscene and tribally inbred parody of both.
We, and the West at large, are what we are in large part because of our openness to new ideas, new technologies and new people as well. It is much more of a strength than a weakness. We close the doors and we start to decompose from within. Such inbreeding might be a large part of how the Arab/Muslim world, which led the world in learning and technology a thousand years ago while we were still running round bare-assed under our chain mail, lost its primacy and is today at the back of the line intellectually. I personally feel that's worth a lot of thought. What about you?

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