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Monday, November 14, 2016


Let's get a couple of things straight here: the bulk of Trump's support did and does come from open or covert white racists and/or sexists of varying stripe. On the other hand, of the voters who actually put him over the top in Wisconsin, Michigan and (sob!) Pennsylvania at least include many people who voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012!
Now how cometh this? Thus: Trump's voters are not all racist by any means, but I think it's safe to say almost none of them are anti-racist. That is, Trump's winning votes came from voters who may not be racist (or otherwise prejudiced) themselves, but for whom Trump's voiced racism, sexism, etc., ad nauseam (!), was not a deal-breaker. These are very important distinctions, because we who are anti-racists need 1) to give no quarter to the real racists and 2) show the non-racists why, and how, racism and all its kind MUST henceforth be a political deal-breaker!
Before I go any further, let me also say what I don't mean by racism: I do not mean a preference for one's own people or culture simply because it is one's own. Just be aware of the 'why(s)' of that preference, that's all. Racism's groundwork is laid when we act as if our way is perfect and we got it all. Little secret which ought not be a secret, especially for my fellow Christians: NO ONE has it 'all' or ever will this side of Judgment! Got that?
I don't even mean honest worries about how (un) assimilable the latest arrivals might prove. Such worries are as old as the Scotch-Irish migration to what were then the Colonies. Even then, some of the previous (English) arrivals wondered about that. I hope that can be discussed civilly and without too much rancor.
I think what I do mean is the desire to maintain straight white male patriarchy or the assumption of it as the 'natural' or, worse, the divinely ordained way things ought to be. And Zionism is not racism; it's the Jewish People's Liberation Movement. The Arab world is WAY more racist than Israel will ever be. Just read what brother Eldridge had to say about both!
I'm willing to bet that anywhere from 3/4 to almost all of we palefaces who voted for Hillary are active or passive anti-racists. And this is where I give our collective back a pat. Consider this: at NO TIME in our history have so many whites been actual ANTI-racists! That's right. Not even in 1865; probably no more than ten percent (if that) of the white population was anti-racist then.
I hope that informational tidbit serves us as a bite and a sup, to employ the old phrase, to sustain us on the long journey and job ahead. We have work to do to better organize and coordinate ourselves, educate our 'non-racists' and utterly defeat our open and covert racists, sexists, etc. Let's get to it. NOW.

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