We all need to 'know our tribes'. But neither can we make them into idols without losing what is best in them.
this is just what both Islamists and 'Christian' nationalists do. They
seek to grab all power in whatever countries are cursed by them. They
seek to rob their neighbors of their God-given freedom of conscience,
faith and worship. And, since neither can conceive of a god who is no
more than the head of their particular tribes, they believe the whole
world is organized exactly as are they and that all the talk about
'creative freedom' and 'the marketplace of ideas' is simply a ruse to
clear the path for 'atheistic, komm'niss, sosh'list, FAG i-dees'.
pardners, why, then, do you need the state's help in fighting such
'idees'? If your ideas are better for us and healthier for the planet,
why are you losing the contention of ideas and losing it bigtime without
prohibition on criticizing this or even saying that? Like, for
instance, wanting to prohibit even the use of the words 'climate
change'? Or any criticism of Islam and/or the Qur'an?
If your ideas
come direct from God as you claim, why do they bring so much more DEATH
and misery in their wake? No, dudes, I for one don't buy it. Serving the
Lord our God with all our minds does NOT mean, we switch our minds off!
No; the God I know wants us to engage our minds with his, even to the
point of speaking up even to Him and asking why--but be prepared for at
least the implication you can't digest His reply--at least not yet.
continuing conversation with God seems to indicate that He shares
infomation and answers question on a need-to-know/ability-to-digest
basis. That is, whether we really need to know and/or can digest
whatever answer(s) there might be. And He knows this far better than we
can, in much the same way as we know what's good for our children's
bodies and minds; what they can digest.
Those who want to 'freeze'
their societies either in the 1950s or at around 1000 seem to think that
they know what's good for the rest of us because they want complete and
total overlordship over the rest of us--including those of us far more
advanced than they are! Again, no dice, dudes! And you Islamists,
beware: I have an electric shaver with your beards' names on them!
your belief that you can 'freeze' culture is still more evil and
ridiculous! If you knew any truthful history, you'd know how culture
changes all! the! time!
Imagine culture as a 'tube' which is, indeed
needs to be, open-ended towards the future! If you want a vigorous
culture attractive to others, that's how it needs to be. Try to sew up
the end of the tube pointing towards the future and you seal your
culture's death warrant, for it will wither without the oxygen which
comes from cultural interaction.
G. B. Shaw once wrote, "Our
societies' vigor springs not from the purity of our genes, but from us
being arrant mongrels." And I for one say he was right.
Anyone who
owns dogs or cats, or who works with them, has seen how some breeds can
be overbred and, when they are, they acquire ailments unknown to the
more vigorous and fortunate mongrels, or mutts as we call them here.
I don't know what animal example the apostles of the lie of 'racial purity' will cite, but I have all dogs and all cats to cite to prove that lie for what it is!
I suggest the proponents of such lies as racial and/or cultural 'purity' are motivated by the nagging knowledge that their cultures, or subcultures, or 'tribes' really are less advanced than they 'ought to be.'
And they are eaten up with envy. Both among our fascisti and in too many Middle East Studies departments, they try to dress up their bad ideas with ten-dollar words which have nothing real behind them except bigotry.
Are they trying to be better than the Son of Man who, when a rich young man (a ruler? not sure) asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to attain eternal life?" responded with, "Why do you call me 'good'? There is none good save God."? Then they've set themselves up a mountain which cannot be climbed except by freely given and unmerited Grace. Are you ready to take hold of that? Not everyone is by a long shot!
We liberals have been too civil and polite for far too long. We need to refresh our memories as to whence the ideas we know are true come and to express them in as few words as is possible. Beginning with that, the more rights we all have, the more secure everyone's rights are. Power, not human dignity, is the zero-sum game and NO, the two are not the same by any means!
If you're interested in finding out more why we almost always get these ideas upside-down, askew, or any way but the right way, here's a link to another post where I put out an idea which I hope will be helpful.
No: diversity is, within a universally-supported democratic framework, our strength in the West, both in the variety of our DNA and how quickly we assimilate helpful new materials into our cultures. Within the universal support of democracy, diversity is not a weakness but a strength.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
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