There is something I want to do.
I want to take every single lie our domestic fascists, who still persist in calling themselves 'Republicans' (there's a growing lie right there!) tell about anyone on our side and show the monstrous extent to which the 'Republican' party now lives by the maxim attributed to Little Joey Goebbels:
"Whenever you are accused of anything detrimental, always accuse your opponents of what you yourself are doing."
Now let's just mull that over a good while. First, anyone with half a brain and a quarter of a heart must know that, whenever the 'Republicans' are able to, they spend our money on making the already obscenely wealthy wealthier still. Soon, they'll try and figure out a way to enserf the rest of us without us knowing what's going on; indeed, that may have already been done. And they'll probably try and bring back property qualifications for voting and the droit de seigneur for all the evil lechers among them.
Second, they accuse us of all sorts of crime involving children and underage teenagers. But where do we find actual reports of such crimes? Among them, almost exclusively! Not to mention turning blind eyes to such abuses on college campuses and within certain churches and certain dioceses of the Church.
Third, they accuse us of being 'soft' on crime when it is they themselves who claim to be above the law-- as if they were, collectively, God's Own Anointed! (And I suspect they may well think of themselves as that!) There is a bit of difference: they basically accuse us of not using the law as a cudgel against the poor and minority groups. The crimes they accuse us of being soft on are generally petty crimes against property and the persons of the paler and richer among us. But we can see that, for them, there is almost no such thing as 'white-collar crime'!! And yet, their crimes take endlessly from We The People! Not only in underpaid, or stiffed, wages but in our health and in the very years of our lives when they make Cancer Alleys of the places we live because of pollution! In our inability to leave anything to our grandchildren except a defiled planet and endless paper debts! Tell me the truth: are they not the 'greater felons' of whom a rhyme was written centuries ago in old England?
The law locks up both man and woman
That steal a goose from off the common
But lets the greater felons loose
That steal the common from the goose
In a democracy, taxes are contributions which citizens make according to their respective abilities to do so in order to accomplish, for the country as a whole, what a majority of its citizens want done. Taxation is not theft; it is the paying of dues. As Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "Taxes are the dues for civilization." Just so, Mr. Justice. We pay taxes for the upkeep, and improvement, of our country and all its citizens.
Finally, they project onto us endlessly. Because they live for more money and power, and don't really care a rat's ass about how they get it, they project the same onto us. Too many of them really are personifications of John 1:5. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness comprehends it not."
Not to say that we're all light (indeed, most of us know ourselves better than to think so) but, let's put it this way: more life is 'real' to us than just ourselves and whatever else we call 'ours' or, more often for our fascisti, what they call, 'mine, mine, MIIIIIIIIIIINE!' I think that sort of 'reality' in our hearts and minds might have more to do with where we're bound after this life than any creed we might recite while, in too many cases, barely thinking about it at all.
Do they need all that 'incentive' to do anything commonly beneficial with their obscene wealth? Do they really cherish idleness so much? For myself, if I had regular work which I could see was a benefit to those who needed my services, a primary reason for my charging for it at all would be not to undercut my fellows too much--along with a more comfortable, but never an extravagant, life for myself. I could contribute more to charities, for one thing.
I think most of us need some kind of regular work even when we don't necessarily need the money Either we find regular work or we try to make some regular work for ourselves. For me, Mama Vecchione in Abraham Rothberg's novel, The Song of David Freed, has the last word on that subject:
"Is no good to have too much time. Must have work." Most of us need to feel we're 'pitching in with the rest' some way or other. And yes, I very much include myself in this.
To all Democrats and progressives: take all this and make these things part of the center of our campaigns this year and next year, along with the Biden administration's concrete accomplishments for the good of our country and its people. We need to emphasize both if we are to build to the blue tsunami which we need very badly indeed!
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
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