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Saturday, June 4, 2022


Something about what we call 'fire and brimstone'.
It can energize and it can....burn.
What does it burn up? I really don't know. Considering liberal, democratic and Democratic aversion to it, does it burn out the neo-cortex which is indispensable for being fully human? Does it burn out hearts, leaving only a stony residue therein? Our side is glad to have, and sometimes a bit too proud to have, both organs which we all try to nurture as God gives us the light to do so.
Which brings me to the sorely misguided members of what is, for good or ill, my paternal tribe. I hope I don't disappoint those who like the flavor of my fire and brimstone with this post because as of now I sort of suspect that, in this column, it may only be a flavoring as opposed to a serious portion. But, be that as it will.
I think about those who have known little else but fire and brimstone from those they've been taught to trust and defer to as 'leaders'. What of their internal earths have been so scorched that, unless Christ Jesus reaches down and touches those stretches of their psyche, nothing can grow except briars, thorns and brambles if even them? How many hurlers of brimstone have included salt in their mixture? How many of these children of God have had their souls, or parts of their souls, sown with salt by those they trust?
When land is sown with salt, that means nothing--repeat, nothing--will ever grow there again absent divine intervention!
And now I address myself to those sadly abused brothers and sisters with questions, viz.
What have those you call 'leaders' really done for you? I mean, do you have any physical benefits from supporting them? Is your house in better repair? Are you and your family eating better? Do you have assurance that a medical emergency won't utterly ruin you and your family? Or is all they give you what W.E.B. DuBois called 'the psychological wages of whiteness'--that is, the lie that the lowest among us is still 'better than' the best persons who happen to have darker skins? How much does THAT do for you when your bright and beautiful child or grandchild is sick and you know you can't afford medical attention?
Brothers and sisters, cry out to God in Christ Jesus to restore your soul's scorched, and possibly salted, grounds! Throw away the hateful lies which those you call 'leaders' and those who claim to tell you the truth but feed you with the anti-human junk foods of hatred of certain differences heap on your plates!
Cry out to Jesus that he may indeed restore your souls and strengthen those restored souls against being re-scorched and re-salted! But for Him to do this, you must throw away the lies that you've been fed about skin color and act as Jesus would have you act--that we are all brothers and sisters, regardless of skin color, national origin or faith community!
If you feel the need for healthier instruction (and I'm sure you will) consult first with our African-Americnn brothers and sisters. But first, explain to them, when they ask why don't you seek instruction from those of us who are 'woke', that we will do that but we want a guide which will keep us from choosing teachers who have the air of that obnoxious character about them that nearly ALL we Southerners of all colors can hardly abide: the Yankee (and I mean real Yankee, not generic Northern) schoolmaster or schoolma'm who acts as if they know it all and we don't know s**t!
Every one of us down here, of any color, knows that the North, and especially Greater New England (the original, except Fairfield County, CT, most of upstate New York and the area around the Great Lakes) is nowhere near as enlightened as they like to think and that the truth is STILL much closer to a Herblock cartoon to which I'll provide a link at the end of this 'sermon'.
In any case, we need help from somewhere to point us to teachers who won't act obnoxiously superior and thus put us off the things we need to learn.
I reckon fire and brimstone is something with which we need to flavor our speech more, but we need to handle it carefully.
Brothers and sisters, those you look to now for leadership are leading you, and all of us, to a very dead end. Remember I said before, they lead you now in a DEATH CULT! You cannot tune them out, and tune in more truth, quickly enough! You cannot grasp Jesus's Hand with one hand and hold an AR-15, along with the lies of 'whiteness', in the other! Choose life, with Jesus, that we all, and our descendants, may live!!
Apparently I'm being prevented from sharing a link to that Herblock cartoon. But it's dated March 1963, and the caption is: 'What's the matter? We don't say 'n***ers' up here.' Sorry, best I can do just now.

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