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Sunday, October 10, 2021


 I have just absorbed a shocking piece of news.
On the Saturday when the last presidential election was called, my wife and I stopped at a package store where we bought wines and beers at the time. The store had both a TV and a music-player in it. The song being played was Give Peace A Chance. Faux News was on the TV set calling the election for Biden. My wife expressed the hope that, now the election was decided, that there'd be some peace. The AMH (adult male hominid; I won't call him a man) behind the counter lethally threatened the new president-elect if he made any move to 'take guns away'.
Apropos of this, a close friend of ours just informed us that to even indicate a desire for peace marks a person as a Democrat hereabouts! Which means that a lot of people are lusting for the chance to shed the blood of others whom they hate, mostly with no cause at all except someone being different and, usually, more civilized and cultured, than they are! Their hatred is the fruit of fear cultivated by those standing to profit by it and of envy commonly held by these knuckle-draggers and their inciters against those who are, to put it plainly, both more humane and more human than they are, maybe more so than they will ever be!!
If they expect to shed the blood of such others, let me recall to y'all what happened with another band at least as ignorantly arrogant: The Marquis of Newcastle's 'white coats' were one of three armies of King Charles I during the English Civil War. They were effectively destroyed at the battle of Marston Moor. They had boasted that they would dye their coats red with their enemies' blood. Those coats were indeed reddened--but the blood was their own. As Shaw wrote: "If [people] will not learn until their lessons are written in blood, why, blood they must have, preferably their own."
I could not agree more. So, here follow the title features of this particular post:
May those who lust to shed the blood of their fellow citizens out of misplaced fear and/or wicked envy see that desire recoil upon themselves and their own even to the extent of breaking even their hearts of solid stone!
May those who desire power in their hands only see that desire recoil until they are left utterly without such power, political, economic and financial!!
May those who seek to feudalize our economy through inequality be compelled to do things they utterly detest doing for their next meal!!
May those who can think of nothing but fattening their already obscenely obese wallets or purses be left in the end with only small change and no power to stop urgently needed change in this country or on this planet!!
May those determined to die on the 'Whites Only' hill be granted that desire, but not before they see a really multiracial, multiethnic, multi-faiths democracy beginning to flourish in this land!! And may you live to hear from young native, Latino, and African-American men, "We don't want your daughters. Go and inbreed as you like until you die out and leave the earth a better place."
And may all ye who hoist black flags end up begging those who know very well how merciless you longed to be for that same mercy! May your guts run when that happens and all who smell you mock you with 'DOOOOOky boy/girl!"
I feel a heaviness after pronouncing such maledicta, so I will include the hope that all those on whom I have lain these words repent and turn to the God Who bids us to welcome and make room for the stranger and the outsiders, Who bids us to come and reason together with Him while reminding us that, thankfully, His ways are not our ways and Who would have us listen to each other.
Too long have we been encouraged to listen to the Trumpolaters who still want to kill us all; let them now hear us as a sign of their repentance! And bring out those who know hermeneutics!
Holy Writ informs us that anger 'rests in the bosom of fools'. Well, if the ammosexuals among us are governed by anger rising from fear and envy as opposed to those of us angry at the shredding of our common society, of democracy and of our Constitution (which does not make whites superior; at least when it's uncontorted), who then are the fools? Doesn't fear of the unknown and envy of those more civilized give rise to the anger of fools? I leave it to y'all, Gentle Readers, to decide that for yourselves.
To our side, I say: be ready for anything. That means exactly what it says. Anything, including full-scale violence from the ammosexuals and their minions.

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