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Friday, January 22, 2021


 This post has been 'simmering' in my mind and heart for a few days now, but one of Faux News's blonde no-hearts brought it to a boil when she called President Biden to task for cancelling 'everything we like'.
Is that so? If it is, then the fire and brimstone following are definitely aimed at you. If you like shutting ourselves off from co-operative planetary endeavors to contain illness and reverse pollution, if you like making already obscenely rich people richer, if you like being the top caste in a country gurgling down the drain, if you like tearing little ones from the mothers' very breasts, if you are content with 'thoughts and (phony) prayers' after mass murders of innocent people, if you like seeing our Gestapos murder unarmed people of color and above all if you seek to tilt both the political and economic tables permanently towards you and no others while trumpeting how unbiased it is, oh, how very, very much and with such force is this brimstone lava coming at you!
First: despite all--and I mean ALL--your protestations to the contrary, all your efforts to look so good, spotless and sanctified--you are not Good People! And unless you turn and repent of your evil, evil ways you will never be Good People! Being Good People has precious little if anything to do with being clean or even clean-shaven, still less with being clean-mouthed and not at all with having money! If anything, the wealthier you are, the more your money might tilt the heavenly scales against you and never mind how much money you give to your church or other religious causes which tell you how very Good you are!!
If what you really like the most is the feeling of being Placed Above Them ('them' being anyone you don't like) or, worse, wielding power in such a way that you actually have a part in tearing others from their dear ones, or making their lives harder and emptier (including making them hungrier and homeless) then no, you are not Good People at all but children of the Enemy! Not included in this is revealing the ignorance of others to them or the evil in which they've had a part. That's only truth, and if truth offends it is never to blame! Remember that saying from Sunday School, anyone?
To Democrats, liberals and progressives, let me say here: I know most of us, by and large, are motivated by the desire to serve all the people. Our enemies--yes,let's be brutally honest here--are motivated by the lust for power over others, to rule and rule harshly! They LIVE for the power to make others weep from their harshness; that is the sort of creatures they are! And y'all must deal with them accordingly!
So, Mr. President, be very, very guarded with your efforts to seek comity. Be quick to break off the negotiations our enemies never pursue in good faith and ready to fight them even unto a domestic analogy to the Rheims schoolhouse where the representatives of the Third Reich signed the unconditional surrender. That is the one and only way to deal with our homegrown fascists: do what the people want done, do whatever it takes to get around our enemies' obstructions and get those urgently required things done, trumpet our doing of them and also our enemies' (and, indeed, the enemies of both our country and the planet!) hypocrisy in wanting only to obstruct when out of power, rule like Ivan the Terrible when in power--but never to serve anyone but those already wealthy on a 21st century feudal scale! We cannot repeat our enemies' hypocrisies and near-treasons to both our country and our planet often enough! Now is the time to basically GIVE a full-throated 'F**K YOUR FEELINGS' to those REAL 'snowflakes' and 'buttercups' even unto--and past--the point where they are SCREAMING their oh-so-easily-wounded hearts (or whatever pumps their blood; it may not be a heart) onto their own lying airwaves! Let's treat their tears and wails as topping for the things which need doing so badly for our planet, our country, and then--but only then, 'cuz that's who we're s'posed to be--for ourselves as well. And even for they I now call our enemies, but they'd rather be atop Fresh Kills than equals with others they see as 'beneath' them in a renewed and expanded democracy!
I should also say of our enemies that they do not understand the genuine desire to serve people in much the same way that darkness cannot comprehend the light. They consider all our talk about 'public service' so much hypocritical hooha covering our desire to rule as harshly as they albeit squeezing different weak points. This is what they tell themselves in order to deceive themselves that they are Not Bad People. When the good fruits of our good and honest service are before their eyes, I don't know whether they will acknowledge their long string of errors and deliberate evils or  whether they will say the good fruits are merely incidental to our enrichment or some other concoction in order to keep on lying to themselves about 'being right'. But that, in the end, is extraneous to the work which needs doing and whatever ways we work out of getting it done. Let's get to it.

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