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Monday, November 9, 2020


 Fascists savor our tears.
That is, the tears of liberals and progressives.
Nearly all of such tears are shed either for people, or other living creatures, less able to fend for themselves than are we. Or those trying to give us that impression. Fatah and Hamas, I'm looking right at you!
Or they are shed for the damage or ruin, realized or possible, of things much greater than ourselves but which we cherish. Such as singular landscapes, species or, indeed, the country we all love in a much deeper way than do the fascists. Too often those that love our country most are those whose love the country returns poorly if at all. And we weep and/or rage over that too. Some of our tears are tears of hope of fulfillment and/or joy at such full or partial fulfillment of such hopes. Our hopes are usually all-inclusive or almost that. We need to dump the Jew-haters hiding among us.
It is very, very rare for a liberal or progressive to weep for themselves. To us, it is not our feelings that matter much. By and large we try to follow the Biblical injunction to mind the feelings of others above our own. We even sometimes put the feelings of the fascists above our own, which is a serious strategic and spiritual mistake.
Fascists are the REAL 'snowflakes' and 'buttercups'. They're the ones who'll demand to know if any 'n***er' ever used the clean cutlery set at their plates and won't abide anyone of color swimming in their association's pool, for instance. And when they're called on their vicious bigotries, will whine, moan and wail about discrimination against them!!
Fascisti, I got news for you: our reactions against y'all have nothing to do with the color (or rather, lack of color) of your skin, hair or eyes. Nor do they have to do with any weird-ass belief you might hold Many if not most of us are also people of faith. I certainly am. I am a Christian, and it is because I am a Christian that I am so angry with you. I see routine violations of both the Third and Ninth Commandments as being part of your stock-in-trade, along with cherished hatreds on the grounds of race, religion and politics. And I say you desecrate God's House with such diabolical beliefs and, above all, by the actions arising from such diabolical heresy!
No, our dislikes of you arise from the content of your character. Or, I should probably say, your lack of character. You seek to do evil, but you usually do it when you can, or think you can, depend on backing from some powerful planter-type person and/or the police. Usually not otherwise.
We will often act without such backing with leaders rising up from their communities. And when you're caught, you beg and wail for mercy, how you were set up and pleasepleasePLEASE don't hurt you! Ever see or hear us do that? No, we stand for what is right and just and we know it! We're often not humble enough about it, but let that be between God and us.
Fellow libs and progs, we have to stop being merciful to the fascisti's snow-flaky feelings. They show no mercy when they have the upper hand; can anyone tell me credibly that their feelings deserve any? Or that they should not be permanently excluded from the corridors of power?
Still, let's not fire the first shot if it comes to that. No, the way to neutralize the fascists is: buy them a place, fix it up nicely as a bar and make sure the booze is good quality, if not necessarily top-shelf. Maybe put a piano in it so they can sing their songs as they get drunk.
Of course, as they do get drunk they will weep endlessly, but only for themselves. All their tears will be for themselves alone as they mangle Wae's Me For Prince Chairlie for the--oh, I don't know, the twenty-third time or whatever. But in any case, fellow liberals and progressives, let us not be deterred from executing justice on those who have tears only for themselves or whatever they may call 'their own'. Remember, there's tears and then there's tears. We weep largely for other things besides ourselves and, when we do, we're prone to remind ourselves in a generally rather scolding way, of how blessed we still are, so let's keep marching! The right wing weeps only for themselves and whatever they term 'their own' and cannot understand any biped weeping for anything but themselves!!
Does it remind you of anything? Here's what it reminds me of:
"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." (John 1:5, NIV) In their incomprehension of care for anyone but themselves, I suggest they show themselves as children of darkness. Even as they delude themselves that they have a monopoly on the Light!

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