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Saturday, September 28, 2019


At last. An impeachment inquiry is beginning. The crucial ‘straws’ appear to be Trump’s attempt to strong-arm a phony scandal our of the Ukrainian president concerning Joe Biden, generally conducting foreign policy like a racketeer — and, perhaps, that Biden is a figure venerated among the establishment. He represents those who either actually believe (God help them!) all was well before Trump and if we can only get back there, all will be well again, or those who know that all was not well for most of us, but since they were doing so well, want those days back again.
But a possible phony scandal involving such a Respected Figure such as Biden and the blatant quality of Trump’s misfeasance seem to be the two factors which seem to have tipped the fence-sitters and Blue Dogs over the line with Speaker Pelosi leading from the rear. Some of us think that it’s the coverup that was the last straw (and to paraphrase Billy Joel, they may be right). After all, that’s what brought ol’ Milhous down. When I mull that over, it seems to me that the coverup is the maraschino on this toxic sundae, true, but I’m not sure if the sundae itself, if it was less toxic to this particular aspect of government and person long involved in it, would have had the crashing weight of the actual scandal to those who now see the need to impeach.
Make no mistake here: for the sake of any future for the rule of law, democracy and our Constitution as a living document, Trump’s impeachment is (and has been almost since day one) an absolute necessity! It must be made crystal clear that no one, not even a sitting POTUS, is ever above the law!

But the above is only chapter one. I do not expect the formerly ‘Republican’ party to purge itself of the probably (and, to me, hopefully) terminal degree to which Trump has brought corruption already long festering in that particular party.
Trump is not the bringer of corruption; he is the culmination of such corruption which is bigoted against just about anyone who is not a property-owning white, straight, nominally Christian (and, probably, the more nominal his Christianity is, the better they like it!) male with plenty of money with which to buy political slaves who offer themselves with sickening eagerness. This disease is present in the Democrats too but, praise be, nowhere near terminal as the Democrats have antigens to such corruption. They are known as progressives.
So much for the former GOP. The Executive Branch, if not the whole federal government (not to mention many a state government) will also need a thorough cleansing. And that will be up to you and I to see to. It’s our government, folks; it’s up to us to give it the cleaning-out it badly needs. That will be chapter two. Subsequent chapters will deal with the necessity of making an ‘eco-nomy’ that works for as close to everyone as we can get on this planet and for as many species as we may still have with us once the great Anthropocene extinction is over. Such a system is will be far less consumption-driven than is currently the case.
But those chapters are for another time. While we press forward with impeachment as the absolutely necessary first chapter, let’s just remember that it is only that. Other chapters must and will follow.

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