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Wednesday, June 21, 2023


It occurs to me, I can't be the only straight white male (Anglo-Scots, no less) that wants to SMASH whatever's left of the white male near-monopoly on political and economic power in this country and, for that matter, around the whole friggin' globe. Even at my age (almost 67) I can't be the only white man who feels this way; who wants to throw the gates open to all colors, creeds, peoples and orientations in a way never before seen on this marbled bowling ball, as Joni Mitchell once called the earth.
And my being a Catholic Christian only intensifies these feelings.
I also want to shout at my 'fellow' palefaces on the other side. I want to roar at them, "You make me, and so many more millions of us, ASHAMED to be  white male Anglo-Scots Americans! YOU hollow out the best in our heritage and make a hollow shell of it! YOU invite the mockery of us from the rest of the world as reeking hypocrites! And you have the nerve, or rather the cowardice and the hypocrisy, to whine about how bad YOU feel about being a white American after having to read some REAL history!!" And probably more, which I haven't yet articulated coherently.
I WANT those fascists to look at me and mutter, "Race-traitor!" I ache to be part of the attack force against hate. I want my articulation of what this country still means to me to be heard, what a wonderful human experiment we are. And that we're NOT just a place to get as rich as you can however you can, with minimal attention to what's legal and hardly any attention to what's ethical.