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Friday, April 7, 2023


To all my fellow Tennesseeans:
Two Democratic state legislators have been unjustly ejected from our State House because they were fed up with being deliberately passed over, ignored and effectually forbidden to speak. And only now are too many of us learning how the lopsidedly gerrymandered 'Republican' legislature has shut off effective debate on many a measure for which our troubled state has a screaming need.
I guess this attempt to discuss common-sense firearms safety laws in the wake of still another school shooting may be the final straw. I know it is for me; I hope it is for you.
And instead of attending to the state's actual legislative needs, these fascists have been trying to divert us with drag queens and other such irrelevancies, building up the spectre of drag queens 'grooming' little kids at story times and with everything they say about drag queens being a foul slander!
I don't know about you, but I'd much rather trust a drag queen reading a story with any child I might have rather than with a Smackwater Jack or Jill with a Bushmaster and a hundred-cartridge magazine!
Be warned, fellow citizens: when fascists don't need your vote anymore, they stop thinking about you except as a thing, a marionette who either does what they're told or, if they don't, as an inconvenient object that needs to be broken, one way or another, or exiled. That day, when state elections are either no more or may as well be nonexistent, is dangerously close to us here in Tennessee!
By expelling two young Democratic state legislators on transparently phony pretenses, our fascists have shown their hand! It is past time for all of us to wake the blank up and organize to turn both houses of our legislature a heavenly azure! That's a chivalric word for 'blue', btw!
I'm not sure how much of the state Senate is up for re-election next year, but, as in all the other states, members of the House are chosen every two years. Which means, next year, they are all up for re-election.
We need to take our chance and excise from our political body the cancer still calling itself the 'Republican' party, but would be more accurately known as the Trumpery/QAnon cult!
Next year, we need to vote out every single elective officeholder with (R) after their names! They are all too weak to listen to criticism when they need to (and we all need to listen to criticism of ourselves at least now and then, right?).
I hope our Democratic party has enough ready candidates so that no 'Republican' runs unopposed next year. We need to oppose them in every legislative and senatorial district. We need to both explain to the people what's going on and we need to connect our program to images and hopes we all cherish for both our state and our country!
If we don't thus prepare for next year's elections, will we have another chance to do so? Don't count on it; we are closer to being a one-party banana state than I dared to believe was possible!
Next year will be make or break for democracy in this state and very likely around the country as well!
Let's get ready for the fight!