To ALL liberals, progressives, and real Democrats:
Now, now, NOW is the time to stand up and SCREAM AT THE TOP OF OUR LUNGS!!!
As the ties between the Trumpery Gang and Russia's Czar Vladimir II
become clearer, we need to stand up and name this for what it is:
In pursuit of wealth and power, too many 'Republicans' (I
call them 'RePIGlicans') have shown there really is nothing, NOTHING,
they will not do to get these things including selling the rest of us
for thirty pieces of silver each. They
have been showing us this ever since Nixon told Thieu to hold back from
the peace table because he, Ol' Milhous, would give him a better deal
if elected, THROUGH the Reagan's campaign backstairs deal with the
Ayatollah to hold onto our hostages until Carter was out of office AND
the illegal aid to the Somocistas in Nicaragua EVEN UNTO THIS PRESENT
DAY and Trump's telltale ties with Russia's current emperor as he
aspires to make himself another emperor over us even as he humbugs his
voters from here till New Year's Day!!
This, fellow citizens, is the culmination of almost half a century of treason!!
While the Repiglicans at least pretend to believe that, why, anyone and
everyone does that much for wealth and power, we need to give them a
big, fat, LOUD, NO! NOT SO!!
Even LBJ showed he was not that kind
when he covered up Nixon's treason for fear of how it would shake the
people's faith in the system! Taking one's opportunities is rather
different from stopping at nothing and selling one's very soul!
now is NOT a time for showing such 'faith' when the GOP termites have
eaten the system nearly all the way through! If the GOP pols do believe
this, then they also project it out upon the rest of us, most of whom
want no more than to be of service, earn a reasonably comfortable
salary, be able to educate our kids and not have to worry about possible
medical bankruptcy. Fellow citizens, the system's safeguards against
corruption and tyranny work only to the extent that you and I keep
squinting eyes on them and, to tell the bitter truth, lately we have
shamefully neglected this instrumental duty that only we can do!
However, we can redeem ourselves IF, right NOW, we stand up and say, "We
will not have a TRAITOR for president, nor will we have any of his
party who cannot show a record of NOT being a similar type of traitor to
the idea of our country!"
No time for anything now but standing up
and speaking up and SCREAMING if that's what we need to do! Pressure the
electors in our states to elect Hillary or, indeed, ANYONE who took no
part in the GOP's Food Fight called a primary!
Monday, December 12, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Fellow citizens, our rights are in danger!!
Perhaps not immediately, but it was anticipation of worse that helped start both the English Civil War and indeed our own Revolution!
The counts in five hotly-contested states--Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida AND North Carolina--have too many irregularities about them NOT to be suspicious! NOW IS THE TIME to call and call LOUDLY for all these states to be both audited and recounted! If you let the GOP get away with this evil Trumpery, you will send a message to them that they can get away with this sort of rigging! Together with their gerrymandering and roadblocks to make it harder for people of color, women, seniors, students and the poor generally to vote, this will enable them to rig elections while they:
1)Privatize and ultimately abolish Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, thereby pauperizing many of us
2) Put a hammerlock on the Supreme Court and the rest of the judiciary and thereby reverse Roe and many other rulings such as Gideon and Miranda which expanded ordinary people's rights
3) Repeal Amendments 13 through 19 which protect the rights of people of color and women as independent and voting citizens and democratize income and elections. (Except the 18th, which was already repealed in 1933: Prohibition)
4) Set up a neo-feudal system in which rich white men will hold ALL the power and most of the wealth!
When we all have more freedoms, we all have more freedoms. Including white men. Freedom (including freedom from want) is not a zero-sum game UNLESS you're just afraid that, in a really honest system, no one will be lower than YOU on the totem pole! And you know what? That 'addytood', as some say in my old hometown, REEKS!!! Anyone with that addytood shows just how much lower than a snake's belly they are! However, lower even than that is knowing you HAVE that addytood and doing all you can to hide it, paper it over as opposed to CHANGING it inside yourselves!
Not to mention such an addytood shows you really don't think a whole lot of yourself, and THAT is really too dam' bad! Especially when, with a little bit of good education and job training, you can be, as the old song says, better than you are. It might be a while, though, before you can swing on a star or carry moonbeams home in a jar but we all start somewhere.
Finally, Bernie is only too right about our crying need to go BEYOND identity politics! We need to get out of our identity and/or issue silos and start educating (NO patronizing allowed!) and connecting with each other!
Now shout out with me: "Audits! Recounts! Audits! Recounts!" Then remember, that's only part of the beginning!
Perhaps not immediately, but it was anticipation of worse that helped start both the English Civil War and indeed our own Revolution!
The counts in five hotly-contested states--Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida AND North Carolina--have too many irregularities about them NOT to be suspicious! NOW IS THE TIME to call and call LOUDLY for all these states to be both audited and recounted! If you let the GOP get away with this evil Trumpery, you will send a message to them that they can get away with this sort of rigging! Together with their gerrymandering and roadblocks to make it harder for people of color, women, seniors, students and the poor generally to vote, this will enable them to rig elections while they:
1)Privatize and ultimately abolish Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, thereby pauperizing many of us
2) Put a hammerlock on the Supreme Court and the rest of the judiciary and thereby reverse Roe and many other rulings such as Gideon and Miranda which expanded ordinary people's rights
3) Repeal Amendments 13 through 19 which protect the rights of people of color and women as independent and voting citizens and democratize income and elections. (Except the 18th, which was already repealed in 1933: Prohibition)
4) Set up a neo-feudal system in which rich white men will hold ALL the power and most of the wealth!
When we all have more freedoms, we all have more freedoms. Including white men. Freedom (including freedom from want) is not a zero-sum game UNLESS you're just afraid that, in a really honest system, no one will be lower than YOU on the totem pole! And you know what? That 'addytood', as some say in my old hometown, REEKS!!! Anyone with that addytood shows just how much lower than a snake's belly they are! However, lower even than that is knowing you HAVE that addytood and doing all you can to hide it, paper it over as opposed to CHANGING it inside yourselves!
Not to mention such an addytood shows you really don't think a whole lot of yourself, and THAT is really too dam' bad! Especially when, with a little bit of good education and job training, you can be, as the old song says, better than you are. It might be a while, though, before you can swing on a star or carry moonbeams home in a jar but we all start somewhere.
Finally, Bernie is only too right about our crying need to go BEYOND identity politics! We need to get out of our identity and/or issue silos and start educating (NO patronizing allowed!) and connecting with each other!
Now shout out with me: "Audits! Recounts! Audits! Recounts!" Then remember, that's only part of the beginning!
Monday, November 21, 2016
An open letter to the members of the Electoral College.
Ladies and Gentlemen: By now I needn't remind you of the power given you by the Constitution. That is, to vote for whoever you think best for our country. I know of some states that fine you if you vote for someone else besides the winner of the state's popular vote, but twenty-one states don't compel you that way, or any other way, at all.
Hillary's popular vote margin is now, at latest report, at a million and half and still growing. I've also seen a bit of news that Trump himself expected his campaign to be over by October of last year, after which he planned to endorse Christie. I mention this to suggest he, like myself, might not really want the job. But, still, while I entreat you to elect Hillary Clinton as president, I would ask you to vote for me before Trump, for the following reasons:
1)We have equal experience in politics and government, which is of course to say, we both have none.
2) On the other hand (finger maybe?) I have read history since I was seven, politics and government since I was eleven and have watched politics since 1968 when I turned twelve that August. I hope this counts for something.
3) I listen better. As I am not a habitual liar, my b.s. detector still works pretty well. When I don't know something, I know how to find out who to ask about it and to do just that. Ask.
4) No conflicts of interest. As we are all finding out, Trump seems to be, increasingly, a veritable web of such conflicts. Vote for me in his place, and all those conflicts of interest become academic.
So much for myself in preference to Trump, but I'd really rather you choose Hillary over me for at least the following two reasons: First, she has, as I mentioned previously, a growing popular vote margin nationwide, now at 1.5 million by report. Second, no one knows these 'onions' like she does, except maybe Bernie or Elizabeth (Warren). She knows all the levers to pull and overblown egos to massage (something at which I am positively abysmal!) in order to get necessary things done!
Third, a cloud is over some of those wafer-thin margins for Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida and North Carolina. All of these are states where voting laws which have disproportionate effect on students, seniors, people of color and the poor generally, being able to vote as easily as propertied white men. And Democrats being Democrats, they probably either didn't factor in those laws, or not to enough of an extent. Which lead to the polls being off. I think you ladies and gentlemen understand me.
I shall post and share this on FB and my website at and ask for signatures.
Thank you all for your time and consideration of this most urgent matter. Again, I ask you to elect Hillary Clinton for our country's sake.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Let's get a couple of things straight here: the bulk of Trump's support
did and does come from open or covert white racists and/or sexists of
varying stripe. On the other hand, of the voters who actually put him
over the top in Wisconsin, Michigan and (sob!) Pennsylvania at least
include many people who voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012!
Now how cometh this? Thus: Trump's voters are not all racist by any means, but I think it's safe to say almost none of them are anti-racist. That is, Trump's winning votes came from voters who may not be racist (or otherwise prejudiced) themselves, but for whom Trump's voiced racism, sexism, etc., ad nauseam (!), was not a deal-breaker. These are very important distinctions, because we who are anti-racists need 1) to give no quarter to the real racists and 2) show the non-racists why, and how, racism and all its kind MUST henceforth be a political deal-breaker!
Before I go any further, let me also say what I don't mean by racism: I do not mean a preference for one's own people or culture simply because it is one's own. Just be aware of the 'why(s)' of that preference, that's all. Racism's groundwork is laid when we act as if our way is perfect and we got it all. Little secret which ought not be a secret, especially for my fellow Christians: NO ONE has it 'all' or ever will this side of Judgment! Got that?
I don't even mean honest worries about how (un) assimilable the latest arrivals might prove. Such worries are as old as the Scotch-Irish migration to what were then the Colonies. Even then, some of the previous (English) arrivals wondered about that. I hope that can be discussed civilly and without too much rancor.
I think what I do mean is the desire to maintain straight white male patriarchy or the assumption of it as the 'natural' or, worse, the divinely ordained way things ought to be. And Zionism is not racism; it's the Jewish People's Liberation Movement. The Arab world is WAY more racist than Israel will ever be. Just read what brother Eldridge had to say about both!
I'm willing to bet that anywhere from 3/4 to almost all of we palefaces who voted for Hillary are active or passive anti-racists. And this is where I give our collective back a pat. Consider this: at NO TIME in our history have so many whites been actual ANTI-racists! That's right. Not even in 1865; probably no more than ten percent (if that) of the white population was anti-racist then.
I hope that informational tidbit serves us as a bite and a sup, to employ the old phrase, to sustain us on the long journey and job ahead. We have work to do to better organize and coordinate ourselves, educate our 'non-racists' and utterly defeat our open and covert racists, sexists, etc. Let's get to it. NOW.
Now how cometh this? Thus: Trump's voters are not all racist by any means, but I think it's safe to say almost none of them are anti-racist. That is, Trump's winning votes came from voters who may not be racist (or otherwise prejudiced) themselves, but for whom Trump's voiced racism, sexism, etc., ad nauseam (!), was not a deal-breaker. These are very important distinctions, because we who are anti-racists need 1) to give no quarter to the real racists and 2) show the non-racists why, and how, racism and all its kind MUST henceforth be a political deal-breaker!
Before I go any further, let me also say what I don't mean by racism: I do not mean a preference for one's own people or culture simply because it is one's own. Just be aware of the 'why(s)' of that preference, that's all. Racism's groundwork is laid when we act as if our way is perfect and we got it all. Little secret which ought not be a secret, especially for my fellow Christians: NO ONE has it 'all' or ever will this side of Judgment! Got that?
I don't even mean honest worries about how (un) assimilable the latest arrivals might prove. Such worries are as old as the Scotch-Irish migration to what were then the Colonies. Even then, some of the previous (English) arrivals wondered about that. I hope that can be discussed civilly and without too much rancor.
I think what I do mean is the desire to maintain straight white male patriarchy or the assumption of it as the 'natural' or, worse, the divinely ordained way things ought to be. And Zionism is not racism; it's the Jewish People's Liberation Movement. The Arab world is WAY more racist than Israel will ever be. Just read what brother Eldridge had to say about both!
I'm willing to bet that anywhere from 3/4 to almost all of we palefaces who voted for Hillary are active or passive anti-racists. And this is where I give our collective back a pat. Consider this: at NO TIME in our history have so many whites been actual ANTI-racists! That's right. Not even in 1865; probably no more than ten percent (if that) of the white population was anti-racist then.
I hope that informational tidbit serves us as a bite and a sup, to employ the old phrase, to sustain us on the long journey and job ahead. We have work to do to better organize and coordinate ourselves, educate our 'non-racists' and utterly defeat our open and covert racists, sexists, etc. Let's get to it. NOW.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Greg Gutfeld (or 'Badfield' as I prefer to call him) asked, 'When did
riots become a legitimate response to real or imagined injustice?' I
suggest he's asking the wrong question. He, and others among us, should
be asking, when did we delegitimize riots?
We have used riots or the threat of them as a political weapon at least since Parliament passed the Stamp Act if not before then! I invite you, dear readers, to have a look at groups who have done so!
'Whiskey rebels' (hic) 1794
Anti-Catholic rioters in Boston---that's right, BOSTON--burning down an Ursuline nunnery in 1834
Same reason for rioting in Philadelphia in 1844 and the burning of three Catholic churches
Then, of course, it didn't take long at all for the newly arrived Taigs to copy their Ulsterite adversaries (and quite possibly the #1 pros at riots!) and actually seize control of New York City for four horrific days in the sweltering July of 1863 and murdering every person of color they could grab! Memphis in 1866, Chicago and Detroit in 1919, the complete destruction of the 'Black Wall Street' in Tulsa in 1921 and the same crime committed on Rosewood, FL,two years later. Not to mention innumerable lynchings, most between 1890 and about 1940, such as the one photographed at Marion, Indiana! And in NONE of those cases EXCEPT the NYC Draft Riots was there any use of police or military to quell those riots or prevent any lynchings! What was the 'law's' response? "Waal, I guess these yere good ole boys need to kill n***ers now an' ag'in." That's what!
But, lo and behold, the complexion of the rioters started to change about the time of WWII--and THAT'S when rioting started to be something done by Other People as opposed to an appallingly legitimate response to 'n***ers' becoming more prosperous than white trash!!
There was a reversion to the old way in Boston in 1975. Anyone remember that, or even care to remember?
MLK once said, riots are the language of the unheard. I wonder what he'd have to say about the razing of Greenwood and Rosewood and so on? Perhaps I'll find out on the Other Side. No, rioting was delegitimized when, and almost exclusively when (Draft Riots again being the sole exception!) the skin tone of the rioters darkened!
And now, before I skedaddle and hear the large sigh of relief behind me, allow me to turn about 90 degrees as I take Trumpty Dumpty to task about 'EXTREME vetting'. In order to know who to exclude (and, if anyone asks me, who to also exile among many current citizens who call themselves 'Christians') we need ask only one question, because a truthful answer should not be possible to fake. The question is, "What does it mean to have a 'wall of separation' between religion and state, and why is this indispensable for civilized life today?" If anyone knows a credible way to fake an honest answer to that question, please share it with the rest of us. In the meantime, mull over 1) how difficult it is to lie a credible answer to my question and 2) our abiding hypocrisy about riots!
Oh yeah--and if y'all like this post, please share it!
We have used riots or the threat of them as a political weapon at least since Parliament passed the Stamp Act if not before then! I invite you, dear readers, to have a look at groups who have done so!
'Whiskey rebels' (hic) 1794
Anti-Catholic rioters in Boston---that's right, BOSTON--burning down an Ursuline nunnery in 1834
Same reason for rioting in Philadelphia in 1844 and the burning of three Catholic churches
Then, of course, it didn't take long at all for the newly arrived Taigs to copy their Ulsterite adversaries (and quite possibly the #1 pros at riots!) and actually seize control of New York City for four horrific days in the sweltering July of 1863 and murdering every person of color they could grab! Memphis in 1866, Chicago and Detroit in 1919, the complete destruction of the 'Black Wall Street' in Tulsa in 1921 and the same crime committed on Rosewood, FL,two years later. Not to mention innumerable lynchings, most between 1890 and about 1940, such as the one photographed at Marion, Indiana! And in NONE of those cases EXCEPT the NYC Draft Riots was there any use of police or military to quell those riots or prevent any lynchings! What was the 'law's' response? "Waal, I guess these yere good ole boys need to kill n***ers now an' ag'in." That's what!
But, lo and behold, the complexion of the rioters started to change about the time of WWII--and THAT'S when rioting started to be something done by Other People as opposed to an appallingly legitimate response to 'n***ers' becoming more prosperous than white trash!!
There was a reversion to the old way in Boston in 1975. Anyone remember that, or even care to remember?
MLK once said, riots are the language of the unheard. I wonder what he'd have to say about the razing of Greenwood and Rosewood and so on? Perhaps I'll find out on the Other Side. No, rioting was delegitimized when, and almost exclusively when (Draft Riots again being the sole exception!) the skin tone of the rioters darkened!
And now, before I skedaddle and hear the large sigh of relief behind me, allow me to turn about 90 degrees as I take Trumpty Dumpty to task about 'EXTREME vetting'. In order to know who to exclude (and, if anyone asks me, who to also exile among many current citizens who call themselves 'Christians') we need ask only one question, because a truthful answer should not be possible to fake. The question is, "What does it mean to have a 'wall of separation' between religion and state, and why is this indispensable for civilized life today?" If anyone knows a credible way to fake an honest answer to that question, please share it with the rest of us. In the meantime, mull over 1) how difficult it is to lie a credible answer to my question and 2) our abiding hypocrisy about riots!
Oh yeah--and if y'all like this post, please share it!
I, Brian Spenser Meadows, a white, middle-aged, straight, Anglo-Saxon
Protestant male, do by this post accuse Herr Donald Drumpf, aka 'Trump',
and ALL his cheerers, myrmidons and
indeed the whole Republican party of TREASON!! Not necessarily as the
Constitution spells it out (although I believe one can make a case for
that!) but to our civic fabric and, indeed, to the best thing we of
ENGLISH (not necessarily British) background may well have given the
world to date: the idea and the mechanics of non-violent governmental
change and all the civic fabric layers to keep that in place!
For the past thirty-six years we have been witness to ongoing treason to our civic fabric instigated and perpetrated by the top of the 'Republican' party! The Paxton Boy Gingrich is one of those especially guilty of rending that precious fabric as are the Taigs Billo the Clown, Sean the vain, Paddy Buchanan and above all the great traitorous lecher Roger Ailes and his master, Rupert Murdoch the Evil Gnome!! With true Gaelic folly, blindness and rage, they have refused to see that our civic fabric is not properly based on blood or DNA, but on language, culture and upbringing! Some of us who have been deceived believe that blacks and other people of color are prone to rioting--well, from whom did they learn it? It's not innate to them any more than to anyone else except maybe those from whom they DID learn it--the Scots-Irish, the Ulsterites! Which whites did the blacks know best in slavery and freedom? Why, it'd be either the (ex-)planters or the trash--not, for the most part, the class of solid, non-slave-owning farmers whence I for one come!
And let's take a good, l-o-n-g look at all the bad behavior surmised to be part of 'black' culture! How many of those behaviors have also been said, rightly or wrongly, of the 'white trash'?! And from who else could the Africans in exile here learn? Think about it!
For the last thirty-six years this crop of weeds have been slowly choking and wantonly defiling our civic fabric (especially public education, that worthy institution SO feared and loathed by actual and wannabe tyrants!) I call upon all worthy citizens of all shades of skin to RISE UP, get involved, vote for Hillary and ALL the Democrats from her on down to town councils this November 8, and afterward form a new Progressive party and treat Herr Drumpf and ALL so-called Republicans as the TRAITORS they have shown themselves to be!! NOW IS THE TIME!!!!
For the past thirty-six years we have been witness to ongoing treason to our civic fabric instigated and perpetrated by the top of the 'Republican' party! The Paxton Boy Gingrich is one of those especially guilty of rending that precious fabric as are the Taigs Billo the Clown, Sean the vain, Paddy Buchanan and above all the great traitorous lecher Roger Ailes and his master, Rupert Murdoch the Evil Gnome!! With true Gaelic folly, blindness and rage, they have refused to see that our civic fabric is not properly based on blood or DNA, but on language, culture and upbringing! Some of us who have been deceived believe that blacks and other people of color are prone to rioting--well, from whom did they learn it? It's not innate to them any more than to anyone else except maybe those from whom they DID learn it--the Scots-Irish, the Ulsterites! Which whites did the blacks know best in slavery and freedom? Why, it'd be either the (ex-)planters or the trash--not, for the most part, the class of solid, non-slave-owning farmers whence I for one come!
And let's take a good, l-o-n-g look at all the bad behavior surmised to be part of 'black' culture! How many of those behaviors have also been said, rightly or wrongly, of the 'white trash'?! And from who else could the Africans in exile here learn? Think about it!
For the last thirty-six years this crop of weeds have been slowly choking and wantonly defiling our civic fabric (especially public education, that worthy institution SO feared and loathed by actual and wannabe tyrants!) I call upon all worthy citizens of all shades of skin to RISE UP, get involved, vote for Hillary and ALL the Democrats from her on down to town councils this November 8, and afterward form a new Progressive party and treat Herr Drumpf and ALL so-called Republicans as the TRAITORS they have shown themselves to be!! NOW IS THE TIME!!!!
Friday, July 8, 2016
Let me start by saying I am no
expert in this field, nor do I claim to be. I have a B.A. and some
postgrad credits, but that's all. Aside from that, all I have is a
(probably) larger-than-average determination not to lie to myself about
my own feelings and a sharp memory about my own sexual encounters.
first time I had sex there were neither mind-altering substances used
nor any strong-arming. All I did was to answer her questions honestly
about whether I'd be disappointed if we didn't do the wild thing. (I
said I would be, but no more than that.) So we spent the night together
sleeping and fucking and my ego spiked when I told her it was my first
time and she reacted with real or feigned disbelief. We shared breakfast
in the morning and she went her way. Later that morning and into the
afternoon, my stomach felt like it was coated with some metallic
substance. It was a rather cold and unhappy feeling.Monday, April 25, 2016
If anyone is still my friend when I've finished this, God bless you. You
are truly a special person. I have some hard things to say to many
people, including many of my fellow
liberals and progressives. One thing I need to say to my brethren is,
can we develop a different approach when sharing our information with
those who, at least, haven't heard it as often as they need to? I mean,
right now too many of us, male and female, approach those who, f'r
instance, cling to the racial superiority myths (and as I come from the
same stock as they on dad's side, I've REALLY hard words for them coming
up!) as if they're--well, suffice it to say we ARE the Judge, the
Shrink, the Social Worker the Jets lampoon in 'Gee, Officer Krupke'. Our
overall attitude towards those who Aren't Getting The Message seems to
be that of an irritated schoolmarm Still Determined To Be
Enlightened--one who'd like to use the stick but refuses to, but the
kids can feel that desire seeping out of us on all sides and try to get
us to be honest about it. So far, kids of color have caught a lot more
of the explicit verbal stick than whites have, at least to my knowledge.
You know the kind of nastiness that says none of you will do anything
but clean toilets anyhow.
And I wonder: does Bernie project some of that? Could that be why he really hasn't gained much traction among lower-income people of any color? Hillary's shown flashes of that but flashes are just that, as opposed to something more consistent.
I'll say this right now: I support Bernie because I see him as abler to get the serious and far-reaching changes we need to make rolling. I also think he expects more of us to participate in the nuts and bolts of that change, which is at least part of the reason why he himself is sketchy on them. If you respond better to someone with a not-so-irritated style and who is more articulate about the nuts and bolts, I can see why you'd support Hillary. In any case, both Bernie and Hillary have said that each is an infinitely better choice than ANY Republican. So let's keep that in mind.
Which brings me to those of my people who, rather than make common cause with those darker people who have LONG been ground down the way you now also are, would rather DIE with their cherished lying myths of racial superiority. Y'all are in BIIIIG trouble both with me and in reality!
Let me say right off that I do understand your irritation with the schoolmarmishness of too many liberals: it gets under my skin too. But, GodDAMMIT, are you all so FUCKING immature you can't get past that and hear the truth in their message?! If some of you bothered to either ask questions or even share your feeling about that manner with blacks and Latinos, you might be pleasantly surprised by the response! And what would that be? Well, they might have slightly different words for it, such as, "We don't want no 'help', but if they realize they needs to git free too, that's different" you might catch onto that you are both saying much the same thing. A Native American woman put it thus to her white liberal allies: "If you are here to help me, you're wasting your time. But if you're here because you realize your liberation is bound up with mine, then let's march together."
See, that's the big lie from the super-rich who have long ground others down and who now grind you: that freedom is a zero-sum deal, THAT'S A LIE--the more freedom others have, the more YOU will also have! NOW is the time to THROW AWAY the remnant rags of Jim Crow which never did anything real for you anyhow and start the honest dialogue with blacks and Latinos which can and, if you persist, will bring forth a better life for all of you, your children and grandchildren.
The end to growth is always death. So there you have it: choosing to grow is to choose life. You stick with Jim or Jane Crow, you and yours will die. Throw them away, so that you and your children may live, as Scripture says!
And I wonder: does Bernie project some of that? Could that be why he really hasn't gained much traction among lower-income people of any color? Hillary's shown flashes of that but flashes are just that, as opposed to something more consistent.
I'll say this right now: I support Bernie because I see him as abler to get the serious and far-reaching changes we need to make rolling. I also think he expects more of us to participate in the nuts and bolts of that change, which is at least part of the reason why he himself is sketchy on them. If you respond better to someone with a not-so-irritated style and who is more articulate about the nuts and bolts, I can see why you'd support Hillary. In any case, both Bernie and Hillary have said that each is an infinitely better choice than ANY Republican. So let's keep that in mind.
Which brings me to those of my people who, rather than make common cause with those darker people who have LONG been ground down the way you now also are, would rather DIE with their cherished lying myths of racial superiority. Y'all are in BIIIIG trouble both with me and in reality!
Let me say right off that I do understand your irritation with the schoolmarmishness of too many liberals: it gets under my skin too. But, GodDAMMIT, are you all so FUCKING immature you can't get past that and hear the truth in their message?! If some of you bothered to either ask questions or even share your feeling about that manner with blacks and Latinos, you might be pleasantly surprised by the response! And what would that be? Well, they might have slightly different words for it, such as, "We don't want no 'help', but if they realize they needs to git free too, that's different" you might catch onto that you are both saying much the same thing. A Native American woman put it thus to her white liberal allies: "If you are here to help me, you're wasting your time. But if you're here because you realize your liberation is bound up with mine, then let's march together."
See, that's the big lie from the super-rich who have long ground others down and who now grind you: that freedom is a zero-sum deal, THAT'S A LIE--the more freedom others have, the more YOU will also have! NOW is the time to THROW AWAY the remnant rags of Jim Crow which never did anything real for you anyhow and start the honest dialogue with blacks and Latinos which can and, if you persist, will bring forth a better life for all of you, your children and grandchildren.
The end to growth is always death. So there you have it: choosing to grow is to choose life. You stick with Jim or Jane Crow, you and yours will die. Throw them away, so that you and your children may live, as Scripture says!
Monday, March 7, 2016
I'm sharing this particular post for more than one reason. Not only is
this post's subject pivotal to the campaign this year; I believe it's
also at the bottom of the Arab/Israeli conflict.
It looks to me as if the Arab fellahin have been, and still are, in a situation very like those of our 'poor whites'. And lately they, too, have been coming down hard on their 'n***ers'--that is, their 'dhimmis', in this case Christians and Yazidis for the most part. And without Israel, Jews would be on that list too as almost the lowest of them--rather like 'common n***ers', to use an old phrase. But if anyone thinks that, in such a situation, the persecuted would be getting more help and attention, I have two words: DREAM ON! All we need do is remember the world's non-response to the Shoah to put that idea into smithereens. But in any case, imagine how poor whites would feel if Southern blacks had put together, through purchases and sweat equity, a contiguous stretch of land where they lived, worked and governed themselves and even had some whites living peaceably among them. Imagine refugees resorting thither after an annihilation attempt on them elsewhere. (Michigan, anyone?) Imagine further that the blacks took them in and declared their own state shortly after, to have the poor whites swarm in to put this 'abomination' DOWN! And to top it all off, let's say the blacks successfully defended their new state and even received recognition of it from the Feds! Is the shape of a common 'trauma' clear?
I have no idea whether the election of a black president is comparable to this as a 'trauma' to poor whites; perhaps it is.
Another, related, question occurs to me, brought forward by, of all things, reading some 'Mein Kampf' quotes in another post. I wrote above that Jewish involvement in universalist and pacifist movements are no guarantee of their success; at least I implied that. One of these quotes mentions the 'Jewish element' as a 'universalistic and pacifistic element' and, in Adolf's viewpoint, a strength-sapper to any nation. (Recent science has shown that cooperation is better than success at killing, but except to say that the difficulty arises here when YOU'RE willing to cooperate and THEY are not, I'll leave more on that for another time)
And since the resurrection of Israel, even the 'Jewish element' is no longer reliably 'universalistic and pacifistic' and I can already hear some Leftist voices grumbling or moaning how Israel's resurrection is Hitler's greatest victory and why did they give up on the Far Nobler Dream of Universal Peace as rhapsodized over by John Lennon? Well, pal, how 'bout YOU see a third of your people annihilated and the world just whistling and observing its fingernails while it happens?! You won't say, "FUCK Universal Peace; I want a place where we can defend ourselves!!"?
Israel has not, and never will, give up entirely on making peace; the Israeli left runs on more than the fumes of pre-1945 universalism. The Tanakh is full of urgings to make peace, never mind the New Testament. But they don't 'live' there anymore since it became untenable and I think quite a few on the doctrinaire, or semi-doctrinaire, Left are still hurting over that. If anyone thinks I'm off-base, feel free to say so--but not without saying why and how! So here we have, imho, a nearly common trauma and another related to it. Let all read this and then let it simmer awhile, then tell me if you think I got something here or not, but if not, don't forget why and how not.
It looks to me as if the Arab fellahin have been, and still are, in a situation very like those of our 'poor whites'. And lately they, too, have been coming down hard on their 'n***ers'--that is, their 'dhimmis', in this case Christians and Yazidis for the most part. And without Israel, Jews would be on that list too as almost the lowest of them--rather like 'common n***ers', to use an old phrase. But if anyone thinks that, in such a situation, the persecuted would be getting more help and attention, I have two words: DREAM ON! All we need do is remember the world's non-response to the Shoah to put that idea into smithereens. But in any case, imagine how poor whites would feel if Southern blacks had put together, through purchases and sweat equity, a contiguous stretch of land where they lived, worked and governed themselves and even had some whites living peaceably among them. Imagine refugees resorting thither after an annihilation attempt on them elsewhere. (Michigan, anyone?) Imagine further that the blacks took them in and declared their own state shortly after, to have the poor whites swarm in to put this 'abomination' DOWN! And to top it all off, let's say the blacks successfully defended their new state and even received recognition of it from the Feds! Is the shape of a common 'trauma' clear?
I have no idea whether the election of a black president is comparable to this as a 'trauma' to poor whites; perhaps it is.
Another, related, question occurs to me, brought forward by, of all things, reading some 'Mein Kampf' quotes in another post. I wrote above that Jewish involvement in universalist and pacifist movements are no guarantee of their success; at least I implied that. One of these quotes mentions the 'Jewish element' as a 'universalistic and pacifistic element' and, in Adolf's viewpoint, a strength-sapper to any nation. (Recent science has shown that cooperation is better than success at killing, but except to say that the difficulty arises here when YOU'RE willing to cooperate and THEY are not, I'll leave more on that for another time)
And since the resurrection of Israel, even the 'Jewish element' is no longer reliably 'universalistic and pacifistic' and I can already hear some Leftist voices grumbling or moaning how Israel's resurrection is Hitler's greatest victory and why did they give up on the Far Nobler Dream of Universal Peace as rhapsodized over by John Lennon? Well, pal, how 'bout YOU see a third of your people annihilated and the world just whistling and observing its fingernails while it happens?! You won't say, "FUCK Universal Peace; I want a place where we can defend ourselves!!"?
Israel has not, and never will, give up entirely on making peace; the Israeli left runs on more than the fumes of pre-1945 universalism. The Tanakh is full of urgings to make peace, never mind the New Testament. But they don't 'live' there anymore since it became untenable and I think quite a few on the doctrinaire, or semi-doctrinaire, Left are still hurting over that. If anyone thinks I'm off-base, feel free to say so--but not without saying why and how! So here we have, imho, a nearly common trauma and another related to it. Let all read this and then let it simmer awhile, then tell me if you think I got something here or not, but if not, don't forget why and how not.
America incentivizes racism in working class white people, and if we fail to understand this, we will fail to fix it.|By Emma Lindsay
Monday, January 25, 2016
think a BIG part of making Zionism a positive word needs to be the
active 'deblanching' of it. Look at the contrast between how liberal
Israel has been in welcoming the return of the Russian Jews, many of
whom are non-observant and/or married to non-Jews (also welcomed with
open arms) and the magnifying glass under which the Ethiopians, nearly
all of whom are observant and have remained so under sporadic
persecution, have been put.
Israel needs to stop behaving like a transplanted Anatevka (Btw, is there a Mizrahi version of Anatevka?) and give more credit to the claims of Jews or, to use the broader term, Hebrews or Israelites of color such as the Lemba and the Igbo. Already the Bnei Menashe are returning from Assam in India; let the Israeli government seek out and encourage other hidden Hebrews to return!
And here's something for both all of African and/or Hebrew heritage in the Americas to mull over: let's suppose the Igbo, who number 32 million strong in Nigeria with God knows (literally) how many cousins from Toronto to Buenos Aires, are indeed Israelites. Doth not the mind boggle at how many of Am Yisrael the world might now have?! I'm willing to bet a hefty percentage of the 11 million of human cargo brought to the Americas were Igbo and that their descendants in the Americas might well number more than those still in Nigeria!
And Israel is the first resurrected indigenous nation of the world, but it needs to work on being the herald for the resurrection of other indigenous nations, both in its home area and around the world! And part of this needs to be a turning away from a hypocritical Europe still caked with Israel's blood and towards other Asian countries such as India, China and Japan.
Leave that internal Anatevka behind, O Israel! Acquaint yourself with your offshoots of 'color' now grown numerous and powerful and form bonds of brotherhood with them and actively hold out the hope of resurrection to nations long suppressed and repressed, for whom your God has appointed you the herald!
Israel needs to stop behaving like a transplanted Anatevka (Btw, is there a Mizrahi version of Anatevka?) and give more credit to the claims of Jews or, to use the broader term, Hebrews or Israelites of color such as the Lemba and the Igbo. Already the Bnei Menashe are returning from Assam in India; let the Israeli government seek out and encourage other hidden Hebrews to return!
And here's something for both all of African and/or Hebrew heritage in the Americas to mull over: let's suppose the Igbo, who number 32 million strong in Nigeria with God knows (literally) how many cousins from Toronto to Buenos Aires, are indeed Israelites. Doth not the mind boggle at how many of Am Yisrael the world might now have?! I'm willing to bet a hefty percentage of the 11 million of human cargo brought to the Americas were Igbo and that their descendants in the Americas might well number more than those still in Nigeria!
And Israel is the first resurrected indigenous nation of the world, but it needs to work on being the herald for the resurrection of other indigenous nations, both in its home area and around the world! And part of this needs to be a turning away from a hypocritical Europe still caked with Israel's blood and towards other Asian countries such as India, China and Japan.
Leave that internal Anatevka behind, O Israel! Acquaint yourself with your offshoots of 'color' now grown numerous and powerful and form bonds of brotherhood with them and actively hold out the hope of resurrection to nations long suppressed and repressed, for whom your God has appointed you the herald!
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